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Why Register Your Trademark

Your trademark can define your whole brand or specific unique products and so it is vital that you protect it from being used by someone else. Registering a trademark means that your names and brands are “locked in” by you and you have exclusive use of it. A trademark is valuable and becomes more valuable as your profile rises. Act now to protect it!

Catkins Business Services can carry out a free trademark search and advise you if your trademark is likely to succeed. We can then register your trademark on your behalf and deal with any of the communication coming from the Intellectual Property Office. This can be time-consuming and we can handle that for you.

Once registered you get to use the ® symbol to show it’s yours and so others refrain from using it.

Trademark Guidelines

Your trade mark must be unique. It can include:

Your trade mark can’t:


Registering your trademark through Catkins Business Services costs £215.00 + £50.00 for each additional class.  We will not invoice you until we have completed the initial trademark search to see if your application is likely to be successful. If your application is unsuccessful the fees can not be refunded.

Start your application now, the registration process takes about 4 months if no-one objects. Registered trade marks last 10 years.

Trademark Registration Process

After the trademark application is submitted it is then examined to ensure that it meets the demands of the Trade Marks Act, and then a search is undertaken to identify earlier similar trade marks. The Registrar then produces a report identifying any deficiencies in the application and allowing one attempt to overcome earlier marks. The Registrar then advertises the application for two months to allow for opposition by third parties. The Examiner will notify the owners of the trademark registration application of earlier UK and (some) Community rights that have been maintained as objections against the application of the advertisement. If there aren’t any objections after the trademark application is advertised, it will be registered for 10 years from the date of registration.